Sagittaria platyphylla (Delta Arrowhead)

Sagittaria platyphylla, also known as Delta Arrowhead, is a beautiful aquatic plant native to several states in the USA, including Texas. If you are a fan of gardening and are interested in adding some unique and visually striking plants to your aquatic garden or pond, then Sagittaria platyphylla is definitely worth considering.

This plant features attractive arrow-shaped leaves that can grow up to 12 inches long and 5 inches wide. It also produces clusters of small, white flowers that bloom in the summer months, adding a touch of beauty to any aquatic landscape.

Sagittaria platyphylla is easy to care for and can be grown in a wide range of water depths, from shallow to deep. It prefers full to partial sun and well-aerated water. It is also tolerant of a range of soil types and water conditions, making it a versatile addition to any aquatic garden.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, Delta Arrowhead also provides some practical benefits. It is a great plant for controlling erosion along the edges of ponds or streams, as its roots help to stabilize soil and prevent runoff. It also provides habitat and food for various aquatic wildlife species.

Sagittaria platyphylla Information

Family Alismataceae
Common Names Delta Arrowhead
Native to USA AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, KS, KY, LA, MO, MS NC, OH, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV
Size Up to 5′ tall

If you decide to add Sagittaria platyphylla to your aquatic garden, make sure to plant it in a location that receives plenty of sunlight and has good water circulation. Once established, it will require very little maintenance and will provide you with years of enjoyment.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a unique and visually striking aquatic plant that is native to Texas and is easy to care for, Sagittaria platyphylla is definitely worth considering. It is a versatile addition to any aquatic garden and provides both aesthetic and practical benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Sagittaria platyphylla edible?

Sagittaria platyphylla, also known as Delta arrowhead or broadleaf arrowhead, is a species of aquatic plant. Some species of Sagittaria are edible and used in various cuisines around the world but it is not common.

Is Sagittaria platyphylla an invasive species of plant?

Sagittaria platyphylla is not considered an invasive species of plant, as it is native to several states in the USA, including Texas. However, like any aquatic plant, it can spread and become weedy if not properly managed.